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Nov. 18 2013
A prep routine checkup may provide an opportunity that ties directly to your wallet. Cows love routine. Proper, repeatable milking procedures are your best friend when it comes to harvesting high quality...
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Nov. 8 2013
"got milk?" quickly became a part of American culture . . . and still is. Advertising campaigns tend to live briefly, see marginal success, and be forgotten quickly. But every once in a while something...
Oct. 4 2013
Paul Ekstein of Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada, has been selected by the Klussendorf Association as the fifth recipient of the Robert "Whitey" McKown Master Breeder Award. The honor was presented at the 47th...
Oct. 4 2013
The Penterman family of Holland's Family Cheese is embracing the Wisconsin cheese-making tradition and adding a Dutch flare. Marieke and Rolf Penterman have a passion for dairying that was larger than...
Sept. 29 2013
Past WDE judging winners are keeping the tradition alive and in the family Most young dairy enthusiasts have a passion for dairying because that is what the generation before them did and they want to...
Aug. 7 2013
All-American Dairy Show celebrates golden anniversary. This September marks the 50th Anniversary for the All-American Dairy Show (AADS) in Harrisburg, Pa. There are six prominent families that stepped...
July 29 2013
Representatives from 15 different countries got a taste of Midwest agriculture. South Korea • Sri Lanka • Brazil • Saudi Arabia • Cuba • Swaziland • Bangladesh • Liberia...
July 24 2013
Creating solutions to forage needs. Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois, presented "Playing the crop-year cards we've been dealt" webinar on Monday, July 8. Labeled the "perfect storm" by Mike Rankin,...
July 16 2013
Members uphold the Holstein Association USA motto of working to be the best. There was cause for celebration as many made it to the winners' circle at the 2013 National Junior Holstein Convention in Indianapolis,...
Feb. 27 2013
Sometimes we are so close to a topic that we often forget the values and assume everyone else is just as familiar with it as those who are so deeply entrenched. My responsibilities include the online content...
Feb. 5 2013
"On the 8th day," Paul Harvey begins, "God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker.'" With that, my Super Bowl party fell silent. Did yours?
Oct. 23 2012
A sea of blue corduroy will flood Indianapolis, Ind., in the next few days. High school agricultural students will descend on the 85th annual National FFA Convention on October 24 to October 27, 2012....
Oct. 16 2012
We all know that dairy provides food and nutrition to millions each day in the form of milk, cheese, ice cream and yogurt. When a milk cow is finished producing milk, she is a great resource for more products....
Sept. 21 2012
The terms are all too familiar for those in animal agriculture: "growth hormone," "mad cow disease" and "factory farm." All are nicknames for longer, dryer formal names. The mainstream media loves them...
Aug. 29 2012
On Monday, August 27, Hoard's Dairyman hosted a special webinar. With drought conditions affecting so much of the United States, the feed supply will be limited and for much of the country, the quality...
July 19 2012
Nichelle Stewert, a Georgia farmer who volunteers with her local Farm Bureau, gave one of our favorite sessions at this year's National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference
June 26 2012
Gratitude seems to be lost these days. A sincere thank you is replaced with a "Yea, thanks man." While some gestures only need a quick thank you, others might necessitate more. Writing thank you notes...
June 6 2012
Hundreds of votes are in from all over the world; in a landslide election, our Guernsey calf beat our Jersey with a final tally of 55.6 percent to 44.4 percent at 8 a.m
May 23 2012
Betty Thompson felt like she had the odds stacked against her when she ran for Miss America. "I was the little farm girl with a milk dud platform that wasn't tall enough to win," she said. But, this Oklahoma...
May 22 2012
It seems people choose to focus on the negative. When sharing milk's story, highlight the positive. The phases you speak or type become memorable and often quotable. MyDairy shares some reminders as we...